
yes I decided to redefine love. This really put things into perspective for me. I no longer felt that I had a limited supply of it whenever I 'gave' it to someone else. No more running around like a headless chicken looking for someone to give it back to me.

"Love is our perception of how it feels to have pure potential energy move through us unhindered by our shit.."

Essentially energy is pure potential and it moves in and out of form constantly so the idea behind this is that this pure unshaped energy is available to us at all times. Our Consciousness (filters, conditioning both good and bad) shapes it as it moves into our reality. When we meet a person, for example, that we perceive to be strong or beautiful etc sometimes we forget about self perception for a while allowing this energy to move through us unhindered. Where anything is possible. Maybe that's why we say "With Love anything is possible"

So we don't give and receive love from each other we only create the space for others to experience the flow of unhindered potential energy in themselves. How? We get to know what filters, experiences and conditioning shapes our own lives. KNOW THYSELF